一般社団法人 日本音楽著作権協会(JASRAC)
一般社団法人 日本レコード協会(RIAJ)
公益社団法人 日本芸能実演家団体協議会(GEIDANKYO)
一般社団法人 日本音楽事業者協会(JAME)
一般社団法人 日本音楽制作者連盟(FMPJ)
一般社団法人 日本映像ソフト協会 (JVA)
一般社団法人 日本音楽作家団体協議会(FCA)
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)
MaMA2019 will be held in Paris, France, from 16th to 18th October, 2019. MaMA is a distinguished event that increases the number of participants every year. In 2018, approximately 6,000 people from more than 50 different countries. One of the features of MaMA is the participation of companies in a wide range of fields such as Music-publisher, Master-producer, Artist-management, as well as Application and Artist goods production. This year, the second exhibition at MaMA, we will hold a networking event at the HUB and a conference for participants and overseas. In addition, we will provide a free space for business talks for Japanese participants, and support for business talks with overseas companies by Japanese coordinators.
<Supported by>
Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC)
Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)
Japan Council of Performers Rights & Performing Arts Organizations (GEIDANKYO)
Japan Association of Music Enterprises (JAME)
The Federation of Music Producers Japan (FMPJ)
Japan Video Software Association (JVA)
Japan Federation of Authors and Composers Associations (FCA)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
<Special collaboration by>
※This project is partially funded by JASRAC & RIAJ.
ツアー日程 | 2019年10月15日(火)~10月20日(日)の6日間コース |
料金 |
おひとり様 333,900円より ※別途諸経費およびMaMA登録料が掛かります。 |
ツアー詳細 | |
主催・ 企画 | 一般社団法人日本音楽出版社協会 |
運営 | リージェンシー・グループ(株) |
申込期限 | 2019年9月6日(金) |
通常:140ユーロ → 95ユーロ
メイン会場 Le Trianon に、インフォメーションセンターとして「HUB(ジャパンスタンド)」を設置します。会期中はここを拠点にして、日本の音楽を積極的にプロモーションします。
【開設時間】 全日(10月16日~18日) 10:00~17:00
【会 場】 Le Trianon
【開催時間】 全日(10月16日~18日) 17:30~19:00(予定)
We will set up a “Japan HUB” as an information center in the main venue, Le Trianon. During this exhibition, we will actively promote Japanese music based here. Also in the evening hours every day, “Happy Hour” will be held to present Japanese beer and appetizers.It is fast way to know and make connections with Japan.
【開設時間】 全日(10月16日~18日) 10:00~17:00
【会 場】 Le Club
メイン会場に隣接する Elysées Montmartre では、国内外の参加者に向けたカンファレンスを開催します。今年は、ヨーロッパの音楽市場に精通した現地のディストリビューターをゲストに迎え、ヨーロッパにおける日本コンテンツの魅力や展開する方法、課題などについてパネルを行います。
In Elysées Montmartre, adjacent to the main venue, we will hold a conference for participants from both inside and outside the country. This year, we will have a local distributor who is familiar with the European music market as a guest, and will give a panel on the appeal of Japanese content in Europe, how to develop it, and challenges.
【日 時】 10月18日(金)14:45~15:45
【会 場】 Élysée-Montmartre
【テーマ】 「Japanese Music, Japanese Market…. Inbound and Outbound」

森川 進 氏(Susumu Morikawa)
Director of MPAJ(Music Publishers Association of Japan), Chairman of Global Business Committee. He started his music business career as a producer of jazz music in record label, King Record, Japan. As a jazz producer his producing albums were nominated three times for Grammy Awards. Now he is an executive director of Seven Seas Music Co.,Ltd.(Music Publisher) and King International Inc.(Distributor of imported CDs for Jazz and Classical Music).

Xavier Norindr氏
33 Degrees社COO。アーティストマネジメントやイベント・コンサート・ツアーの制作サービス、プロモーター、ツアーマネジメント、ブッキングサービス、イベントプロデューサー、そしてレコードレーベルなど多くの事業を展開し、世界中のたくさんのアーティストや会社と活動している。
Xavier is part of 33 Degrees agency as COO. The agency has many activities such as Artist management, Event/Concert/Tour Production service, Promoter, Tour management, Booking service, Event producer & Record Label.33 Degrees works with many artists, companies and events all around the world.
Xavier’s worked with many artists such as:
The Gazette, Asian Kung-fu Generation, °C-ute, モーニング娘。(Morning Musume), Jupiter, Versailles, マキシマム ザ ホルモン(Maximum The Hormone), Inoran, Miyavi, トリルダン(Trill-Dan), Kokia, 彩冷える(Ayabie), Dio Distraught Overlord, ピストルバルブ(Pistol Valve), Yaneka, Polysics, Basement Pi, Kumi Solo, Crossfaith, Galneryus, No God, Pianojac, Hizaki, 川井郁子(Ikuko Kawai), SVGV, ヤナキク(Yanakiku), 北出菜奈(Nana Kitade), Uplift Spice, Glen Check, History, Block-B, Nu’EST, 24K, Crush, Michelle Michina, Dead Sexy, The Distance, Black Bomb A, No One is Innocent, 6:33, Carpenter Brut, Make the girl Dance, ,…
And companies such as:
Japan Expo, Paris Manga, LVMH Group, Ibiza Experience, Concerts Très très privé RTL2, Food Truck Festival, Polymanga, Made In Asia, Rhino Jazz Festival, Milan Expo 2015, Nipponbashi Festival, Hanami, J’Fest, Dokomi, Creativeman, King Records, Avex, Universal Music France, VAP, Nintendo, GCA Entertainment, MyMusicTaste, Kinetic Vibe, Cult of Ya, Revival Agency, CJ E&M,…

Sylvain Delange氏
Sylvain Delange is Director Asia Pacific and Latin America for Believe Distribution Services, the leading fully independent digital distributor and services provider for artists & labels worldwide.
Since joining Believe early 2013, Sylvain has been leading the company into attaining market leading positions in the Asia-Pacific region. He has built the company’s distribution network with all music platforms in Asia, as well as developed a strong footprint within the independent music community.
With a career spanning over a decade in the music industry in Asia, Sylvain has an extensive knowledge of the Asian music and digital landscape.

山田 蓉子 氏(Yoko Yamada)
From 2007, she worked for 7 years as the head of the Tokyo branch of the French government’s outer organization, Bureau Export. Lives in Paris since 2009. Acting as a music coordinator, bringing French artists to Japan and Japanese artists to France.
○ 5Y
[ 日 時 ]10月16日(水)22:15~22:55
[ 会 場 ]Magnum Club

セネガル出身、日本在住。LOUIS VUITTON等ハイブランドのモデルとしても活躍している。天性のリズム感、歌唱力、ソングライティング力を見出され
アーティストとしての活動を開始する。Afro Beatからメタルラップまでと、自身の倍音の多い声を武器に活躍。
Rapper & Singer born in Senegal. Also recognized as a model for fashion brands including LOUIS VUITTON. His gifted sense of rhythm, vocal, song writing skill was founded by Hypemaster Sound and started his career as an artist. Performing Afro Beat to Metal Rap, with his multi-harmonic voice.
○ 中野公揮
[ 日 時 ]10月18日(金)20:00~20:40
[ 会 場 ]Les Trois Baudets

He has written works for various ensembles including a vast amount of solo piano compositions and numerous pieces for cello and piano, he has been involved as a musical director for fashion shows and concerts, and as a band leader for his band ‘Gas Law’ he has been composing and performing throughout Japan. Next to this he has also been involved in production work for Tokyo FM.Furthermore he has performed solo recitals at the ‘Maison de la culture du Japon’ and the Louvre in Paris, and at the Stefánia Palace in Budapest. He released his first album”Lift” in 2016 with Nø Førmat. At the present moment he is based in Paris.